Thursday, October 2, 2008


I'm finally realizing I can't really maintain a journal, or at least take it out and write on it pen/paper style. So I guess this is a new start?

I'll actually be surprised if anyone finds this blog, no worries, it's all for God.

So last night. I was about to head to Freedom for biblestudy, but as I was about to go, I felt like I should stay. In my head I thought, "Dude, when was the last time you went to freedom and weren't blessed, refreshed, or filled?" But for some reason I decided to stay. I ended up staying, and because my iPod headphone jack is messed up I had to use the computer to listen to the stuff. Anyhoo, I started listening to Crazy Courage, by Bill Johnson.

Basically, it renewed everything Banning shared at the first JC I went to, but it carried more momentum. And then near the end, he offered a time for prayer, and all throughout the message I could feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit as he spoke. I really had no choice but to start praying, following whatever Bill told us to do. There was so much released in the spirit during that message as people continue to listen to it, heck I can already see it in my life.

So today, I was at school, and basically God corrected me. Originally I was pumped, hyped up to lay hands on the sick to see them healed. Wrong. That was the wrong point. It wasn't about destroying the work of the devil though yes, we are supposed to be doing that. It's supposed to be about intimacy, and radical obedience is what cultivates it. So praise God He corrected me, and geez epic fail. I was about 20 seconds from reaching my class and I see this guy in a wheelchair, but then I tell God, "God I'm gonna be late"... and then after a few bouts and near the door to the class, I realized. Love does not care about inconvenience, that fact came alive to me at that moment. I promised God it wouldn't happen again. Hah.. Bill Johnson, "God is more concerned with intimacy than He is about your comfort".

So after psych, I'm heading to econ. When I get there, the teacher tells us he's canceling class because of an emergency. I take a hint that God wants me to meet someone and lay hands in the next hour. I head out, the Spirit reminding me about obedience, not hunting for devils. So I just decide to head somewhere and obey where He calls. So then I see this old lady, knee brace, I wait like 2 minutes because I always end up realizing I don't know how to approach the person. I start asking God to speak to me, maybe a word of knowledge, something. Then God convicts me of what I'm doing, or rather, not doing. I wasn't depending on Him. I wanted to go in "prepared" with a word, but God wanted me to trust, to go in faith, and then receive what I believe for. So I went. I just ask her what's wrong, here's the gist. Pamela has disks in her knees, disks in her back, fighting hep B, leukemia, and the doctor told her she has liver cancer two days ago. I seem to have no regard of everything, just thinking, "wow this is gonna be a cool testimony". So I ask if I can pray, she is open. So after I ask her how she feels, "Great"
"Try doing something you couldn't do before"

She bends down, says she feels good, she thanks me for the prayer and says, "My hair went up and felt goosebumps when you were praying". Uh. yea. good stuff. She is being healed this instant.

So I leave, waiting for God to show me around. I'm starting to realize what God is leading me to do here for this year. Raising up leaders. So far God has opened the door for me to share with new people almost at the rate of... 1 new person a week already.

Joy, Gui, Tung, Albert, Liz, Phillip... nuts. God thanks for everything. By Your grace, keep me.

I don't know how long I can keep this blogging thing going.. yeesh.
