Monday, March 23, 2009

Not Good with Titles

So it's been pretty crazy lately.

People been prophesying, feeling, manifesting, words of knowledge, healing... it's gone a loong while.

It's clearer and clearer what God is using me to do in this season. I feel like I'm building, not necessarily houses, but foundations. I remember joe telling me that I was a revival machine, to shock some "sleeping" people and give them a jolt. I guess I see that. Eh, talking about me is boring.

Kim, this woman is soooo.. normal. She has been raising up a company of mighty men and women but was struggling with the limelight. I hope she doesn't read this, but I hope she does, because she is so unbelievably amazing. What she is doing on her campus is what I have dreamed of, to raise up a massive army for God. Holy Spirit keep encouraging her and reminding her how pleased You are with her.


I'm beginning to realize more and more that the 'average' (i don't even know what this means anymore) Christian does not know who they are (in Christ). People need to know that we are made in God's image, in His likeness. In Tim's bible, he keeps a piece of prophetic art that his friend gave him that has a picture of a mirror on it. The other side says, "When you look at you in the mirror, you look at me. I love you". It is not to say we are God, we aren't, but it's living knowing that it is Christ in us, the hope of glory. All creation is anticipating the sons of the king to reveal His glory, to contain and release it. We are the light, the glimmer of hope, all creation was MADE for glory, but sin caused us to fall short of it.

To the normal Christian:
You are a child of the King.
You are anointed.
You are called.
You are seated in heavenly places. Now.
You have citizenship in heaven. Now.
You have access to His secrets.
You are His friend.
You are made in His image and likeness.
You are the answer to someone's prophecy and prayer.
You are significant.
You have more power in you than you know.
You have the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead.
You have ALL authority on heaven and on earth.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You have access to the storehouses of heaven.
You have no limits.
You have favor with Him.
You have passion.
You have a radical call on your life.
You have the testimonies of the Lord as your inheritance
You are more capable than you think.
You are here to conquer.
You are here to destroy the works of the devil.
You are here to be salt and light.
You are here to love and be-loved by Him.
You are here to influence your surroundings and not be influenced by it.
You are here to walk in who He has called you to be.
You are here to change the world.
You are here to make history.
You are here to make His name great.
You are here to give glory to Him.
You are here to live a life of worship.
You are here to raise spiritual sons and daughters.
You are here to live in power.
You are here to be blessed to be a blessing.
You are here to re-present Christ.
You are here for a reason.
You are here because God didn't make a "plan B".
You are here because God knew exactly where He wanted you.
You are here because God knows you are able.
You are amazing.
There is no one on this earth like you.
There is no one on this earth with your friends, your gifts, your talents, your reach, your anointings, your faith, your character, and your love.
You are you, and God is in you and you are in Him.
You were made to love. You were made for love.
You are madly in love.
You are awesome.


So? Go. What are you waiting for? The world is waiting. All creation is longing for the sons of God to be revealed. [Rom 8:19]