Thursday, April 2, 2009

30 Attributes of Supernatural Pastors

30 Attributes of Supernatural Pastors
by Paul Manwaring

-They hear God.
-They are connected to community.
-They understand times and seasons.
-They pastor FROM Heaven.
-They create a culture of HOPE.
-They see the whole picture.
-They lay down their lives and are sources of life.
-They feed themselves on GOOD news. (addicted to testimonies)
-They know where their help comes from.
-Their hearts are constantly filling and giving.
-They know the word and spirit
-They honor caregivers and Doctors.
-They NEVER give up.
-They respect & honor the sick.
-They don't change their theology to suit circumstances.
-They don't know all of the answers and aren't afraid to say so.
-They know their weaknesses & are vulnerable & transparent.
-They know their destinies. (Who He is; What He came for & Where He is going)
-They worship & know the goodness of God.
-They rejoice. (Can't be a weeper only!)
-They are hungry for more of God. (Hungry, Holy & Humble)
-They understand Justice.
-They have boundaries but NOT walls.
-They are secure in their salvation.
-They are content; not wannabes or grumblers!
-They don't walk alone.
-They have a history of FAITH FULL NESS!
-They are life long students.
-hey honor the other 4 offices of Government. (Apostle, Prophet, Teacher & Evangelists) They make room for them.
-They are true sons!

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