Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kim's InterVarsity App.. thing...

John 15:1-8

Define fruit as Jesus is using it.
-you can eat fruit, good or bad
-fruit is meant to hold seed, which are sown to produce more vines/branches/fruit
-He says He is the TRUE vine, which means there are false vines, and that fruitfulness and abundance comes from the foundation of truth (Jesus, truth/way/life)

What is the process of bearing fruit?
-bearing fruiting comes from abiding solely in Him, continually fueled by the King's faith hope and love. When we abide in Him, we find life and growth because He is more than enough, always abundant, never lacking.
-There is no mention of middleground, "he who abides... bears much fruit" Fruit is the effect of the cause of abiding; intimacy.
-The fruit of intimacy is the proof of our time spent with Him; you can't prevent fruit from coming, nor can you fake it.

What is the pruning represent? <-- lots of revelation here...
-Represents the working of the Holy Spirit in our life
-renewing our mind from old mentalities to kingdom mentalities, the crucifixion of the dead man, the removal of supports so we strive to grow more areas.
-used to balance the tree if the roots are not growing as fast. That is why when we are ground in Him (the rock/cornerstone/foundation), we can bear much fruit!

Make a list that describes the relationship b/w vine and branches, as they relate to Jesus and us (disciples)
physically connected:
-both have the same substances flowing through them (love, power, authority, peace, joy, hope, faithfulness, righteousness, gentleness, patience, kindness, goodness)
-The vine is always there, it cannot be moved
-The connection is the branch's choice

1 Tim 3:1-13, 1 Peter 5:2-5
What are the key characteristics that scripture asks for in leader? Why do you think that these are important?
1 Tim:
-husband of 1 wife, blameless, respectable, not given to drunkeness, able to teach, gentle, can't be bought.
-This means they understand the value a covenant, if they know how to honor the highest covenant with someone on earth, it shows they know how to honor their covenant with God. They must be known as one of integrity, someone who stays true to their word, and able to live out their convictions. They must function with a revelation of God's grace and love, sold out and not for sale for the gospel of the Kingdom.
-In addition, they should be able to teach and impart these things so that they can raise up leaders who walk in excellence and eventually surpass them. This is essential to expand the endless boundaries of His Kingdom, and to raise up lovers who understand a covenant relationship, not just workers for a day's pay.

1 Peter:
-shepherd the flock among you, provide oversight out of a willing heart, a living role model, and honor/submit to authorities.
-This means that regardless of your position, there is always a group you can be a shepherd to, where you can provide oversight-- ability to see strategically and give sound wisdom. It is a willing heart because this person must be abiding in Him (john 15) because He is always willing.
-They understand that being faithful where God has called them will lead to an eternal reward. In submission and giving honor to authorities, God will honor you in your desires.

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