Tuesday, August 4, 2009

baayf #2

yesterday was day 2...

morning prayer was pretty awesome. I felt like God was telling me to pray for slam (she was outside by herself, the rest of us were at prayer meeting). I just asked her if i could pray for her, and then we ended up talking about camp. We talked about SJCAC, my first night with my campers (the last post), the legacy of baayf (juniorhigh experiences 8 years ago with jaeson)... we shared about what we felt was in store for this year at camp (there's about 350+ people total at camp this year, it was ~300 last year). she ended up praying for me too, and then we headed to breakfast.

i met up with rose/pastor craig. We were sharing about where we might have the prayer room this year, and then we suggested the fireside because there was a legacy there. And then i mentioned what slam told me, and then pastor craig started to share his side of the story with jaeson before the meeting happened. turns out they were praying before-hand, and the yboth felt the glory in the room. To quote "you could cut it with a knife". He told me how the speaker that year was completely conservative and the worship team was more tame, and then near the end, the speaker suggested that they sing a song. And then the moment they started singing, Holy Spirit showed up. Junior Highers randomly started going up to the mic confessing their sins. When the high school meeting ended, they started flocking the junior-high meeting in the fireside.

cool legacy! good thing we're going glory to glory

that night was pretty awesome too. bunch of kids got saved...

Emily brought the Consumed CD/DVD, the wvcac kids watched it in the fireside room. Mangs that cd is sooooo friggin anointed.

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