Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It's interesting. On the verge of this outpouring, I'm finding the demonic realm actually knows what's going on.

I wonder if other people see this... but it seems like the demonic is really trying to take down families (physical) because they resemble something in the spirit realm. Although it is, I don't think in this specific season, that divorce is symbolic of Christ and his bride. I think it has more to do with mothers and fathers, people who are willing to see sons and daughters arise in greatness. People who are sowing into the next generation. There is such a lack of mothers and fathers in the kingdom, and what's happening with physical divorces in our nation seem to reflect that. There has already been a turning by the bride (church), we're seeing passionate lovers of Jesus arise all over the globe... but it's time for mothers and fathers (spiritual) have their ceilings become their sons/daughters floors.

Jesus we ask for a graces to mother and father a coming generation to be released from heaven. The blessing of a father, and the nurturing of a mother is priceless!

God we ask for more! We love warriors, and passionate worshipers, and intercessors and prophets, but we ask for mothers and fathers!


For class, the professor asked us to create a working definition for faith in anything, not just religion. This is what our group came up with:

"Faith is belief and confidence in a given present/future situation that is based on a history of trust, in which we cannot prove or give tangible evidence of its absolute outcome."

Honestly, this quote came out of my own history with God. A lot of the other definitions that people had were simply just 'believing' that something is true. But of all people, Christians should know that faith is not blind. Faith sees, faith sees more than blind faith.

Our walks should be cultivated in a deep history with God. I have faith that people will be healed because of the history that God has revealed through the bible, through people i know, and through my own life... I have a faith that when I ask Him to come, He will. Because He always has... there's a history of Him showing up.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Just read about Rahab for my OT class. The worksheet asked why she was important and why she was so worth mentioning so many times, despite being a woman. When I looked in Hebrews 11 and read about her faith, it finally hit me.

I wrote this on my worksheet:

"She had faith in someone else’s story. She took personal faith in the story of someone else’s victory in God. And for that, she is applauded for her faith."

After I read what I wrote, I took a step back, because I realized the faith that she had. So many people want their own personal experience of God invading their life or something they can see before they are willing to give their life and run hard after God. But here, we find a prostitute, who overhears the stories of the God of Israel, His power, His might, and she took it for herself. She never saw God move in her life, but she had the power of the testimony and decided that she would side with God. As a result, she was grafted into Jesus' lineage (Matt 1).

Rahab had the faith Jesus talked about... something like.. "blessed are those who do not see, but believe".

I'm thinking, I hear all these testimonies about the dead being raised, revival breaking out on the streets, disneyland, the grocery store, walmart, people with crazy giftings, etc, yet I've never had that breakthrough for myself. It's time we had "great faith", which is another name for 'simple' faith.

More Jesus!