Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It's interesting. On the verge of this outpouring, I'm finding the demonic realm actually knows what's going on.

I wonder if other people see this... but it seems like the demonic is really trying to take down families (physical) because they resemble something in the spirit realm. Although it is, I don't think in this specific season, that divorce is symbolic of Christ and his bride. I think it has more to do with mothers and fathers, people who are willing to see sons and daughters arise in greatness. People who are sowing into the next generation. There is such a lack of mothers and fathers in the kingdom, and what's happening with physical divorces in our nation seem to reflect that. There has already been a turning by the bride (church), we're seeing passionate lovers of Jesus arise all over the globe... but it's time for mothers and fathers (spiritual) have their ceilings become their sons/daughters floors.

Jesus we ask for a graces to mother and father a coming generation to be released from heaven. The blessing of a father, and the nurturing of a mother is priceless!

God we ask for more! We love warriors, and passionate worshipers, and intercessors and prophets, but we ask for mothers and fathers!

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