Thursday, April 16, 2009

Revival Alliance I

It was such an honor to be invited to the leaders meeting before the actual meetings started. To be around such wonderful people, Heidi, Randy, Georgian, Che, and Bill... what an honor!

Georgian talked about sacrificial love. At one point, we need to start believing that it is really Christ in me, the hope of glory, and at the same time, Christ in you, the hope of glory. To release an agape love over our brothers and sisters we need to be able to see the Christ in people; willing to die for them, because they are willing to do the same for us. Heidi touched on this, she said she was willing to die for every one of us in the room, and that screwed me up... There's a dimension of this love that is SOOO radical... I was and am completely willing to give my life for one of the leaders, because they have given so much to me, but my logic couldn't make sense of it when Heidi said that she would be willing to die for me because of the love in her.

Heidi's original vision was to create a net (network) that would be able to support all the fish (harvest, new revivalists) that are going to be coming into the kingdom soon. She said that we should be carrying so much of Him that people would be running to Him, like carrying fresh bread (word) and wine (spirit), people will run to you to be fed.

Che was talking about the Lord's prayer, how we often extend it to deliverance and healing, and said it was about time to bring it to another level. There's no racism, abortion, systemic poverty, or homeless people in heaven; it's time to declare social change in the context of heaven on earth.

Bill talked about the perfect structure of romance and how the fathers in the earlier part of the century failed to pass on vision, anointing, and power to the next generation. Randy talked about how A.A. Allen had a great anointing, but he got scared and nervous when his sons began to succeed and people began to divert their attention to them instead of him. Because of the lack of honor, where powerful people empower each other instead of shutting each other down, the anointing on his life died with him, much like many of the past revivalists in the 1900s.

And then he talked about how honor releases life. Honor your father and mother... and you will have long life. Honor releases LIFE.

That was just the leaders meeting. Gotta chew on some words. I didn't even talk about easter weekend with Georgian, and John Crowder...

God...more! and help me see what I already have!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Miracles are Meant to teach us

"Miracles, are spiritually nutritional. They have nutrients in them that give us the capacity to see differently.

It is ILLEGAL to experience a miracle and see the same way you did previous, because miracles are tutors. They are given to us to teach us to see the unseen world.

They reveal the nature of God, and the nature of His kingdom" - Bill Johnson


If we see someone with a broken arm/cast get healed, the next time we see someone with a broken arm, we are no longer allowed to think, "that's too bad, they can't use their arm for another 3 months".

The experience with any miracle has the awesome potential to change our paradigms; renew our minds.

When we fail to draw from the grace that is released in a revelation, like Bill says, it only trains us to be more religious. We then have people who would give their lives to defend the fact that God still heals, but have never seen God heal from their own hands, or they don't contending for their own healing.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Eat the Meat

I remember hearing this from Kris Valloton.

A lot of times we hear "eat the meat, spit out the bones" but most of the time, we don't. We need to just eat the meat. Even though Kris's context was about judging prophecy, even in teaching, we should still just "eat the meat".

What does that mean? Stop looking at the bones, and how bad the bones are, just eat the meat. If we are listening to 'dry' preaching or maybe even 'incorrect' teaching, we should not be looking at the bones and saying "well i can't eat THOSE, those are bones!". We should always honor those in authority, and you can honor them by "eating the meat", there is always something you can take from it, and when you eat the meat, you are left with bones. Just eat the meat. Don't worry about the bones, cause you won't be able to eat the bones anyway.

No one looks at a chicken, look at the bones to judge whether the meat is good or not. You just eat the meat. When we don't agree with a preacher, we honor so that we can partake in the reward that comes with honoring, and we also receive more blessing as as result if we just "eat the meat" instead of picking the bones and dwelling on them....

Thursday, April 2, 2009


So a friend told me about how she was loved when she thought she was "unlovable".

I started thinking...

the point of it all is to remove that word from our vocabulary, no one is too far from love, nothing can separate love, love never fails.

'unlovable' is an old man word. In the eyes of God, YOU are always lovable, so we gotta learn to see as He sees.

"I can't afford to have a thought in my head that is not in the heart of God" - Bill Johnson

You are always lovely, always lovable, always loved, always the be-loved.

People are just one encounter away from Jesus. YOU are the answer.

30 Attributes of Supernatural Pastors

30 Attributes of Supernatural Pastors
by Paul Manwaring

-They hear God.
-They are connected to community.
-They understand times and seasons.
-They pastor FROM Heaven.
-They create a culture of HOPE.
-They see the whole picture.
-They lay down their lives and are sources of life.
-They feed themselves on GOOD news. (addicted to testimonies)
-They know where their help comes from.
-Their hearts are constantly filling and giving.
-They know the word and spirit
-They honor caregivers and Doctors.
-They NEVER give up.
-They respect & honor the sick.
-They don't change their theology to suit circumstances.
-They don't know all of the answers and aren't afraid to say so.
-They know their weaknesses & are vulnerable & transparent.
-They know their destinies. (Who He is; What He came for & Where He is going)
-They worship & know the goodness of God.
-They rejoice. (Can't be a weeper only!)
-They are hungry for more of God. (Hungry, Holy & Humble)
-They understand Justice.
-They have boundaries but NOT walls.
-They are secure in their salvation.
-They are content; not wannabes or grumblers!
-They don't walk alone.
-They have a history of FAITH FULL NESS!
-They are life long students.
-hey honor the other 4 offices of Government. (Apostle, Prophet, Teacher & Evangelists) They make room for them.
-They are true sons!

Kim's InterVarsity App.. thing...

John 15:1-8

Define fruit as Jesus is using it.
-you can eat fruit, good or bad
-fruit is meant to hold seed, which are sown to produce more vines/branches/fruit
-He says He is the TRUE vine, which means there are false vines, and that fruitfulness and abundance comes from the foundation of truth (Jesus, truth/way/life)

What is the process of bearing fruit?
-bearing fruiting comes from abiding solely in Him, continually fueled by the King's faith hope and love. When we abide in Him, we find life and growth because He is more than enough, always abundant, never lacking.
-There is no mention of middleground, "he who abides... bears much fruit" Fruit is the effect of the cause of abiding; intimacy.
-The fruit of intimacy is the proof of our time spent with Him; you can't prevent fruit from coming, nor can you fake it.

What is the pruning represent? <-- lots of revelation here...
-Represents the working of the Holy Spirit in our life
-renewing our mind from old mentalities to kingdom mentalities, the crucifixion of the dead man, the removal of supports so we strive to grow more areas.
-used to balance the tree if the roots are not growing as fast. That is why when we are ground in Him (the rock/cornerstone/foundation), we can bear much fruit!

Make a list that describes the relationship b/w vine and branches, as they relate to Jesus and us (disciples)
physically connected:
-both have the same substances flowing through them (love, power, authority, peace, joy, hope, faithfulness, righteousness, gentleness, patience, kindness, goodness)
-The vine is always there, it cannot be moved
-The connection is the branch's choice

1 Tim 3:1-13, 1 Peter 5:2-5
What are the key characteristics that scripture asks for in leader? Why do you think that these are important?
1 Tim:
-husband of 1 wife, blameless, respectable, not given to drunkeness, able to teach, gentle, can't be bought.
-This means they understand the value a covenant, if they know how to honor the highest covenant with someone on earth, it shows they know how to honor their covenant with God. They must be known as one of integrity, someone who stays true to their word, and able to live out their convictions. They must function with a revelation of God's grace and love, sold out and not for sale for the gospel of the Kingdom.
-In addition, they should be able to teach and impart these things so that they can raise up leaders who walk in excellence and eventually surpass them. This is essential to expand the endless boundaries of His Kingdom, and to raise up lovers who understand a covenant relationship, not just workers for a day's pay.

1 Peter:
-shepherd the flock among you, provide oversight out of a willing heart, a living role model, and honor/submit to authorities.
-This means that regardless of your position, there is always a group you can be a shepherd to, where you can provide oversight-- ability to see strategically and give sound wisdom. It is a willing heart because this person must be abiding in Him (john 15) because He is always willing.
-They understand that being faithful where God has called them will lead to an eternal reward. In submission and giving honor to authorities, God will honor you in your desires.