Friday, November 7, 2008

Crackdown 1

So God's been opening my eyes a lot lately.

I've been reading a lot of books like The Release of the Spirit by Watchman Nee. That is some crazy stuff... but he affirmed many things I've been thinking about. One of them was along the lines of sowing and reaping. Whenever we fellowship with Christians, God, anyone, as spiritual beings we are no longer called to fellowship with anyone in the flesh. As God is destroying our flesh, we shouldn't in any way live in the flesh, including the fellowship with anyone. Then he says that we discern in the spirit; that there's a reality in finding out someone's spiritual condition just by the way they speak. Like from personal experience, and what I think Quoc first taught, you can know whether someone has sought God's face by the way they pray. Likewise, Nee says even by the way people talk you can discern their spiritual condition, and thus be able to minister accurately to anyone's need as God leads. This really explained why I always feel led to tell people different things when I'm talking to them about the Kingdom, my spirit already senses their condition and adjusts the 'radical-ness' of the message as I continue.

Another interesting thing off of that was that whenever I spoke to people, encouraging, or praying, I would always have a sense of joy and refreshing after I did so. And Nee pointed it out exactly that, whenever we talk about the Kingdom to anyone, there's a mutual blessing, they are receiving revelation from God and I'm reminded and stirred yet again as if the word was fresh like the first time I received it. Then this leads to the reason why we are called to fellowship with believers. Why Viv enjoys our fellowship, why I keep meeting up with and speaking, why I keep sending emails, and why I'm trying to start this blog. The reason is because I am stirred again by the words that I say, and that it's like meditating on a word God has given, your mind is again focused on it and as you meditate on it, it allows the Spirit to move and usually, more revelation =D. And now I'm remembering that time Quoc told us to take notes because often we find us writing and when we see what we write, it serves as another way for the Spirit to get the most out of the words spoken. So many times I've taken notes and then my mind wanders because of the truths from other verses start popping into my head and then God reveals another truth about His Kingdom. In my opinion, that's the mark of a good preacher; one who realizes that the word he is speaking first came from God, and as he preaches, he himself is stirred again and remembers the joy and refreshment that he received when God first revealed it to him... and then he says, "I'm about to preach myself happy" (billjohnson) or "That's good preaching!" (bennyperez) or "this is a good word!!" (pastorhoa) or "can somebody say amen??" (mostpreachers).

yea i'm cracking down and writing down the things i've learned lately. more later.


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