Tuesday, November 11, 2008

His Great Love

"Although these are aspects of the love of God, there is still so much missing because God's love encompasses everything that He is. He does not have love; He is love. Love has become more than an emotion, love is now a being and that being is God. It is what He is. He is love! I have love, but I am not love. I can give love and I can receive love, but I am not love. God in His very essence is love and the love with which He relates to His creation is not dependent upon our perfection. It is not dependant upon us doing things right and it does not diminish if we do things wrong because love is what He is. His love is not just a commitment or an emotion; it is what and who He is. God is love and the essence and character of His love is so high that the higher you go in it, the less tangible it seems. He has to bring the tangible expression of His love way down in degrees, to enable us to relate to it. The further you get out of the temporal and into the Spirit where you are touching the higher degrees of God's love, the more you realize how pure His love is. This pure love is so different from ours that He has to bring His love down to our level so we can relate to the love He has for us.

His love is also holy. I love to experience being carried up in His love because of His holiness. His holiness fills every particle, every bit of His love. The entire essence of His love is holy and because of that holiness, it is so clean and so pure. The all consuming essence of His love is that part of Him that lifts us up out of everything we have ever thought, everything we have ever been or could hope to be, and lets us touch eternity. This is the love of God. It is holy, yet it is tender. It is filled with compassion, mercy and care. It is filled with carefulness, gentleness and kindness. His love does not fret because it is filled with faith. Remember, His eyes are eternal. He sees everything from beginning to end and no matter how bad things get, He knows how good they are going to get before it is over. Because His love is so humble and unassuming, it is not demanding, pressing, sharp or hard. Although His love can be very strong and firm, it is still filled with love. He can chastise us like a father, but you know in this case it is coming from a Father who loves you."


I don't think i can post as often during weekdays. Studies mang...


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