Thursday, November 27, 2008


1 Thess 5:18 "in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you"

-it doesn't talk about giving thanks FOR things, but rather IN things. although giving thanks for receiving is good, many times we neglect to give thanks in all things.
-everything is... everything. Good times, badtimes, in doubt, in faith, in death, in life, in growth...why? it's it will of God.
-the will of God in your life, is to know Him, it is the will God to for ALL His children to know Him. it is through, in this case, thanksgiving that others may see the Father's heart
-thanksgiving is bringing heaven on earth, everything that happens in heaven is to glorify God, thanking, praising all around His throne. A good reason why God calls us to 'enter His gates with thanksgiving' is to prepare us for heaven, which is praising God, all while letting heaven invade earth.

Mangs, God has taught me so much about thanksgiving this month, unparalleled. Thanksgiving brings victory, it is expressed faith, and cultivates faith. Thanksgiving is the mark of one who recognizes what they have been given, which should be every believer...


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