Friday, July 31, 2009

Seeing myself grow

it's pretty crazy.

at this point, I can see that i have more than i had just a few weeks ago. I'm thinking back to school of worship, and my cry was to have more. And now, I can see it.

God totally increased revelation in my life, it is normal to get a life-changing revelation... all the time.

"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." - Leonard Cohen

I just read that off my friend's quotes on FB. They smoke and they know it's bad, but they really want to quit.

A nation can be saved in one day. And a son that is willing to rise up and be himself is all that we need to see people multiplied in the kingdom.

There is a huge increase of His presence, I just notice it now. I remember Bill talking about worship, how it's really about those times we have to recognize when we need to just stop and worship. I've been having those more and more, where God interjects randomly during the day, and i just stop. and gaze.


listening to ALIVE - Ian McIntosh. Amazing album.

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