Tuesday, July 14, 2009

School of Worship

so. i'll just ramble. cause i'm not really good at organizing my thoughts... hence the point of a blog.

comment on the last post. i've been getting more dreams... you seriously get more and remember them better when you steward them better. Since school of worship i've been getting more, and i've been waking up and typing them out on my beautiful laptop (thanks, Goh). i love this thing. anyhoo, i've had some really interesting dreams like what joseph had. Kris was talking about favor this past month. Joseph had favor with God, but he didn't have favor with people, that's why his parents and brothers were offended. So after i had these dreams i didn't and still haven't told anyone. I don't want people to be offended at what kind of dreams i'm having. I'd rather wait for God to promote me and allow for the favor of man to come in because i have favor with Him.

anyway, so i'm thinking about all this, and then the last day of class, we sang prophetically over each other in voice class. i was recording on my camera everyone singing over each other, and then when someone was about to sing over me, i handed my camera to the guy next to me so he could record. turns out, he didn't record it, but i told him not to worry about it. in the end, he confesses what he did to everyone cause he felt really bad, and then he just gave me prophetic word to make up for it. an then a girl across from me starts giving me word to, and then she says I'm a joseph. and that's it, and it wrecked me...

i think the second sunday we were there was one of the most amazing days ever. we were at firestarters and we got to give words to each other, and it was really encouraging to bless our coach, and it was also good to know that my word was accurate. near the end of the class, i started giving a word to a girl from Tim's table, and she got wacked. after class when we were waiting at hebrews, there was a guy just standing there with his son in a stroller. he had some arthritic condition. i offered to pray for his son, and then gave him a word about a new season of peace and joy. and then he told me his wife's name is joy!

yea way too many things to talk about... sooo many priceless, undescribable moments. i'm glad i captured many of them on video. God give me grace to finish editing them and posting them. need supernatural upload speed!

i think the biggest thing i took from the past month that i'm very intent to walk out is carrying his presence. i was telling jenn this today... but just realizing that I am an open heaven, and that I am the holiest place on this earth (i'm a temple of the HOLY spirit), and that heaven is home. worshiping bigger than the room...

God thank that i have the grace to walk in everything you have called me to walk in.
Thank you that my spirit man receives more than my mind.

Thanks for being an awesome friend. I'd like to hang out more, if you don't mind. You can invade my day anytime, i give you complete freedom to do whatever you want in my life. You can ask me to do anything, cause i want to be in a place where i have purpose and direction and live out my worship.

You're so good...good-er than i can imagine. show me more!

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